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What Can an OCT Scan Detect?

An optometrist takes their patient's OCT scans.

Our eyes show a glimpse of our overall health, and with today’s technological advancements, detecting eye and general health conditions early is easier than ever. OCT scans are helpful tools that allow optometrists to detect abnormal changes to the retina, including the macula, optic nerve, and blood vessels. By monitoring changes in these structures, your […]

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What Are The Benefits of Contact Lenses?

A close-up image of a woman holding a contact lens case in one hand with a contact lens sitting on the tip of an extended finger.

If you’ve been wearing eyeglasses for most of your life, you’ve likely thought about trying contact lenses at some point or another. Contacts do have significant benefits; they’re an extremely convenient way to treat conditions like myopia and hyperopia.  Contacts offer improved vision, provide a wide field of view, and are great for physical activities. […]

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How Much Do Ortho-K Lenses Cost?

Close up of a person putting a single ortho-k contact lens onto the pad of their finger.

Navigating the world of vision correction can feel overwhelming, especially when considering innovative options like orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses. But it can also be an excellent way to see the world in a new way without the hassle of daily glasses or contact lenses. Ortho-K lenses might be the perfect solution for you, but there’s no […]

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How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?

A patient looks through the phoropter during her routine eye exam.

Routine visits to your optometrist are key for maintaining good vision and ocular health.  In addition to comprehensive eye exams, additional eye exams include contact lens examinations and fittings, diabetic health checks, and glaucoma workups.  The focus of these exams differs based on the ocular concern your optometrist would like to assess. These exams generally […]

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